Andy Parsons – SOLD OUT!
Bafflingly Optimistic
8pm Friday 17 May
Wedmore Village Hall BS28 4EQ
After writing for Weekending and Smith and Jones, Andy went on to become one of the main writers on the iconic Spitting Image. From there he went even further: ‘out on the road’ completing six sell-out national tours. He also won a stack of comedy awards, too numerous to mention (although we might mention a few!) Winner Silver Dolphin Cannes Media Awards 2019, Winner Best Film EVCOM Awards 2019, Time Out Award Winner… and plenty more where those came from.
He was a regular on Mock the Week as well as performing on numerous radio and TV shows. (You’ve guessed it – too numerous to mention.) He is also a witty newspaper columnist about whom it was said‘For those who worry that we are going to hell in a handcart, Parsons will at least make you enjoy the ride’.
Come enjoy the ride in Wedmore!
‘Very funny’ – The Times ‘Punchline King’ – The Guardian
‘Hysterical’ – The Mirror
‘Laugh Out Loud Funny’ – Sunday Telegraph