Lynne Franks OBE
PR Inspiration
12 midday, Wednesday 15 May
Wedmore Village Hall BS28 4EQ
PR Legend Lynne Franks presents stories and memories of her Absolutely Fabulous Years when she represented the world’s top entertainers from Lenny Henry to Dolly Parton; launched the Spice Girls; taught Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French all about the fashion industry; launched London Fashion Week; created the world’s largest HIV/Aids campaign; help change the face of green consumerism and brought women’s leadership to McDonald’s.
Join Lynne for an hour of chit and chat about the good old days as well as hear about the important work she is now doing for women and teens in Somerset, creating her SEED community space in Wincanton where people of all ages come together to grow their lives, their businesses and their wellbeing.
Lynne conceived the UK’s first women’s conference What Women Want in ’95, chaired women’s radio station Viva, and opened B.Hive women’s business clubs with Regus in 2010. In 2018 she was awarded an OBE for her work with the empowerment of women and her contribution to fashion and business.
Come along and hear Lynne’s adventures and perhaps join her for a delightful lunch with wine afterwards (subject to availability)

Sponsored by: The Porch House Families
Tickets £15 or £30 to include Lunch with wine

Note: Tiered seating can only be booked online
Tickets are also available 7 days a week from Wedmore Stores (cash only)