Darren Royston & the Nonsuch Dance Group
Maytime in Merrie England
10am – 2pm Saturday 18 May
Wedmore Village Hall BS28 4EQ
Dubbed ‘Shakespeare’s dancing master’, Darren Royston will be Making Merrie in Wedmore with a wonderful workshop and performance of historical dances put together as a Tudor pageant to celebrate the coming of summer. Darren is a leading expert on historical choreography and dramatic dance, one of his recent projects has been as dancing master to Len Goodman and Lucy Worsley in BBC TV’s Dancing Cheek to Cheek.
He brings the ladies of the court to Wedmore with him to provide an afternoon of pageantry from medieval times including Tudor masques, Fairy Queen festivals and country dancing for all. His team will dance for you, demonstrate dance for you and inspire you to dance for yourself!
There has been nothing quite like it in Wedmore before… well not for around 500 years or so!

Tickets £15 or £30 to include Lunch with wine

Tickets are also available 7 days a week from Wedmore Stores (cash only)